Kiss my Contemporary Ars (this, too, shall pass)

A Woven Painting V

Painting (woven):

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"A Woven Painting V". Three different paintings cut-up and interwoven. Acrylics and paper on paper. 2013. 80x60cm.

Three different paintings were discarded and cut-up to produce this one. Two of them first painted, dissolved in water, dried, put under pressure for a week, and mounted on a seperate sheet of paper.

2013.05.17 22:09 in Woven paintings

A woven painting IV

Painting (woven):
Update 2014-05-15: This painting has been recycled.

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Untitled. 2013. Acrylics on paper, interwoven. 60x80cm.

For this one the two interwoven paintings were dissolved in water, manipulated, and put under pressure for a week, before the weaving.

2013.05.09 00:04 in Woven paintings

A Woven Painting III

Painting (woven): Around 130 strands of paper (each 1 cm wide) from two different paintings were woven into this:

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"A Woven Painting III". Around 130 strands of paper (each 1 cm wide) from two different paintings of the same motive. Acrylics on paper, interwoven. 2013. 80x60cm.

Click image for large size, or read on for the before-picture(s)...

2013.05.02 21:38 in Woven paintings

A woven painting II

Another woven painting, this time with 2x2 cm squares.

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"Bread". Strands of paper (each 2 cm wide) from two different paintings of the same motive. Acrylics and coal on paper (interwoven with paper). 2013. 80x60cm.

This was made from two very similar paintings. Click for larger size, or read on for the "before" image...

2013.04.11 01:43 in Woven paintings

A Woven Painting

Painting (woven):

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"A Woven Painting". Acrylics, ink, and paper on paper (interwoven with paper). 2013. 80x60cm.

Click for larger size, or read on...

2013.03.22 01:34 in Woven paintings

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